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dedicated strongly giving of support; unwaveringly loyal. [1/4 definitions]
defection the act of deserting or renouncing loyalty to something to which one is supposed to be loyal, such as one's country, duty, religion, or party. [1/2 definitions]
faithful sexually loyal; not having sexual relations with those other than one's partner or spouse. [2/7 definitions]
fast1 loyal or dedicated. [1/12 definitions]
good loyal; steadfast. [1/25 definitions]
gung-ho (informal) extremely enthusiastic and loyal, often in a naive way.
henchman a loyal follower and helper, esp. of someone engaged in unethical or criminal plots or deeds.
janizary any loyal and subservient follower or supporter. [1/2 definitions]
liegeman a loyal follower or supporter. [1/2 definitions]
loyalist someone who is loyal to a government, organization, or leader, esp. in a time of crisis. [1/2 definitions]
loyalty the condition of being faithful or loyal. [2 definitions]
party man one who is loyal to a political party or who follows the party line.
regular a political party member who is loyal and reliable. [1/12 definitions]
soldier a militant and loyal follower of any movement or cause. [1/3 definitions]
spoils system the political practice, by the winning candidates or party in an election, of rewarding loyal or supportive persons with appointments to public office.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable. [1/4 definitions]
stand-up (informal) courageous or loyal. [1/4 definitions]
staunch2 unwaveringly firm or loyal. [1/2 definitions]
steadfast reliable; loyal. [1/2 definitions]
stick2 to remain loyal or supportive. [1/19 definitions]
stick by to remain loyal to.