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Dictionary Suite
abysm a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit; abyss.
abyss a vast, unmeasurable space; bottomless pit. [1/2 definitions]
alveolus a small cavity or pit, such as one of the terminal air sacs of the lungs or one cell of a honeycomb. [1/2 definitions]
berry any of several small, juicy, pulpy fruits, usu. without a pit, such as the strawberry, raspberry, or gooseberry. [1/5 definitions]
cesspool a pit or hole for receiving drainage and sewage.
endocarp the inner layer of a ripened plant ovary such as a fruit pit.
fossa in anatomy, a pit, cavity, or depression.
fovea a small pit, hollow, or depression in a bone or organ.
foveola a small fovea, or very small depression or pit in a bone or organ.
foxhole a shallow pit dug to provide a quick, temporary shelter from enemy fire for one or two soldiers.
freestone a fruit whose pulp is easily separated from the pit, such as certain peaches. (Cf. clingstone.) [2/3 definitions]
groundling a spectator in Shakespeare's time who stood in the pit to see the play. [1/2 definitions]
lacuna in anatomy, a small pit or cavity. [1/2 definitions]
mastaba an ancient Egyptian tomb, built over a mummy chamber or burial pit, which has a rectangular base, inwardly sloping sides, and a flat roof.
olive a small green or black fruit with a pit, eaten raw or used as a source of oil. [1/5 definitions]
pit1 the often depressed area reserved for musicians in front of the stage in a theater; orchestra pit. [2/14 definitions]
pit2 to take out the pit or pits of (a fruit or fruits). [1/2 definitions]
pitman a person who works in a pit, such as a coal miner. [1/2 definitions]
pit saw a large saw used to cut wood lengthwise that is handled by two persons, one positioned on the log and the second in a pit or trench beneath it.
pit stop time out from a race for a car to refuel or be serviced at the pit area.
proscenium the part of the theater or stage located between the curtain and the orchestra pit or the first row of seats. [1/3 definitions]