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abnormal psychology the branch of psychology that is concerned with patterns of behavior, thought, and feeling that deviate greatly from average patterns.
affect1 in psychology, emotion, feeling, or response. [1/4 definitions]
animus In Jungian psychology, the archetypal masculine element in a woman's psyche. [1/3 definitions]
atomism in psychology, the theory that all social institutions arise from the acts and interests of individual people. [1/2 definitions]
autosuggestion in psychology, a technique of changing one's own behavior or beliefs by repeating certain phrases or ideas to oneself.
behavioral science a social science such as psychology, anthropology, or sociology that examines the way humans act as individuals or in groups, often to reveal recurrent patterns or general truths.
behaviorism in psychology, the doctrine that observable behavior, rather than mental events or consciousness, gives the only valid evidence for study, and that environmental influences predominate in human psychological development.
collective unconscious in Jungian psychology, the memories and other psychic contents that are accumulated by the experience of all preceding generations and that dwell within the unconscious mind of each individual.
configuration in psychology, a gestalt or unified whole. [1/6 definitions]
defense mechanism in psychology, an unconscious process that submerges or opposes ideas or actions that would be painful or inappropriate. [1/2 definitions]
fantasy in psychology, an imagined state, event, or sequence of events, usu. acting out or fulfilling a wish; wish fulfillment; daydream. [1/5 definitions]
gestalt in psychology, a cognitive pattern that is whole and unified and cannot be predicted or inferred from its individual elements, even when they are considered together.
ideomotor in psychology, of or denoting an unconscious physical motion that is stimulated by an idea.
limen in physiology or psychology, the threshold of a response.
motile in psychology, a person whose mental images consist mainly of body motions, rather than sights or sounds. [1/2 definitions]
neuropsychology the branch of psychology dealing with the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
operant in psychology, of or pertaining to a response identifiable by its consequences rather than its specific stimulus. [2/4 definitions]
orientation in psychology, one's perception of oneself and one's place in relation to other people and one's surroundings. [1/5 definitions]
overcompensate in psychology, to try to correct a personal fault or personality defect by exaggerated antithetical behavior. [1/3 definitions]
persona in psychology, the outer personality, façade, or public identity an individual presents to others.
project in psychology, to attribute one's own thoughts or feelings to someone else. [1/11 definitions]