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ao dai (Vietnamese) the costume traditionally worn by women in Vietnam, having loose-fitting trousers and a long tunic.
bloomer1 an outfit formerly worn by girls and women consisting of billowy trousers, gathered at the ankle and worn under a skirt and often with a jacket and wide-brimmed hat. [2/3 definitions]
bottom (pl.) pajama trousers. [1/11 definitions]
braces (chiefly British) a pair of adjustable straps that are designed to support trousers, worn over the shoulders and attached to the trousers at the front and back of the waist; suspenders. [1/2 definitions]
breeches (used with a pl. verb) trousers that reach to the knee; knickers. [2 definitions]
britches (informal) trousers; breeches.
buckskin (pl.) shoes or trousers made from this leather. [1/4 definitions]
capri pants tight-fitting ankle-length trousers worn by women.
chaparejos seatless leather trousers worn by cowboys over their regular pants, for extra protection; chaps.
chino (usu. pl.) a pair of trousers made of such fabric. [1/2 definitions]
corduroy (pl.) trousers made of corduroy. [1/6 definitions]
coveralls a one-piece protective garment with trousers and sleeves, worn by workmen over clothing.
dinner jacket a suit consisting of such a jacket and dark trousers, worn with a bow tie and usu. a cummerbund. [1/2 definitions]
dungaree (chiefly British; pl.) loose-fitting, heavy cotton trousers with a bib and shoulder straps, often worn over clothes for protection from soiling; overalls. [1/3 definitions]
fly1 a strip of material along the edge of a garment that conceals buttons or a zipper, usu. on men's trousers. [1/12 definitions]
jodhpurs trousers that are baggy at the hips but tight below the knees, often worn for riding horses.
khaki (often pl.) trousers or uniforms made of this material. [1/5 definitions]
knee breeches trousers that extend to just below the knees.
Knickerbocker (pl.; l.c.) fairly loose, knee-length trousers gathered on each leg at a band just below the knee; knickers. [1/3 definitions]
knickers fairly loose, knee-length trousers gathered on each leg at a band just below the knee; knickerbockers. [1/3 definitions]
Levi's trademark for close-fitting trousers usu. of denim or corduroy.