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Dictionary Suite
Amex abbreviation of "American Stock Exchange."
ASE abbreviation of "American Stock Exchange."
bourse a stock exchange of a European city, esp. of Paris, France.
Dow Jones industrial average trademark for the index of prices of thirty industrial stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and averaged daily.
NYSE abbreviation of "New York Stock Exchange."
over-the-counter of stocks, not listed on any stock exchange and traded directly between buyer and seller. [1/2 definitions]
over the counter from or by a stockbroker as opposed to the stock exchange.
seat membership in an institution such as a legislature or stock exchange. [1/9 definitions]
stock market a market where stocks and bonds are bought and sold; stock exchange. [2/3 definitions]
trader a person who belongs to a stock exchange and trades stock for himself instead of for others. [1/2 definitions]