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Dictionary Suite
browser a computer program that locates and displays web pages; web browser.
hyperlink text or an image on any web page that, when clicked on, causes another web page or another point on the same page to be displayed on the computer screen.
link in computing, a piece of text or an image on any web page that, when clicked on, causes another web page or another point on the same page to be displayed on the computer screen; hyperlink. [1/7 definitions]
news feed a data format that allows users to frequently update content on a web page. [2 definitions]
page1 a web page. [1/6 definitions]
server a computer that supplies data and services, such as files, web pages, and peripheral devices, to other computers in a network. [1/4 definitions]
site shortened form of "website," a location on the World Wide Web that includes a home page and related, linked web pages. [1/4 definitions]
web browser a computer program that locates and displays web pages for viewing; browser.
website a location on the World Wide Web that includes a home page and related, linked web pages.
widget in computing, an application or program that performs the limited function of giving easy access to specific types of information or functionality. A widget often floats on top of a web page that is already opened. [1/2 definitions]