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bergamot a small citrus evergreen that bears a sour fruit whose rind yields a fragrant oil. [2/3 definitions]
casaba a variety of winter muskmelon with a yellow rind and sweet, white flesh.
citron the rind of this fruit, candied and used in fruit cake or the like. [1/3 definitions]
courgette (chiefly British) a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind; a zucchini.
crackling the crisp rind of roasted pork. [1/3 definitions]
durian an edible oval fruit with a hard prickly rind, soft flavorful pulp, and an odor considered offensive by many. [1/2 definitions]
epicarp the outer layer of a fruit's pericarp, such as a rind or peel.
exocarp the outermost layer of a fruit, such as the skin of a peach; peel or rind; epicarp.
grapefruit a large, juicy citrus fruit having a yellow rind and tart yellow or pink pulp. [1/2 definitions]
honeydew melon a melon having smooth light-green rind and esp. sweet, green flesh.
Hubbard squash a winter squash that has a yellow or green rind and yellow flesh.
kumquat the oblong, orange-colored fruit of such a tree, having a sweet, edible rind and a sharp-tasting pulp. [1/2 definitions]
mangosteen a small, tropical fruit with a thick reddish-purple rind and sweet, juicy, white segments. [1/2 definitions]
marmalade a jam that contains bits of fruit and rind, esp. of oranges.
melon a fruit of any of various vines, which has a hard, often smooth rind and thick, juicy flesh ranging from pale green or yellow to orange or deep reddish pink.
orange a spherical fruit with a reddish yellow rind and a sweet, acidic, edible pulp on the inside. [1/5 definitions]
peel1 the outer layer, skin, or rind of some fruits and vegetables. [1/6 definitions]
pomegranate a reddish fruit with a tough rind, many seeds, and a juicy, edible, mildly acidic pulp. [1/2 definitions]
Stilton a waxy, white cheese with veins of bluish mold and a wrinkled rind.
watermelon a large sweet fruit, round or oblong in shape, with a hard greenish rind and usu. red or pink watery pulp. [1/2 definitions]
zucchini a type of summer squash that has a smooth, dark green rind and is cucumber-shaped.