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beamed ceiling a ceiling that has exposed beams.
ceil to furnish with a ceiling. [2 definitions]
chandelier a light fixture, often decorative, suspended from a ceiling and bearing multiple lights.
dome a rounded, circular roof or ceiling on a room or building. [1/7 definitions]
flypaper paper with a sticky, sometimes poisonous coating, often hung in narrow strips from the ceiling, to catch and kill flies.
headroom the clear space between the head and a ceiling, arch, or top of a doorway.
headway2 the clear space between the head and a ceiling, arch, or top of a doorway; headroom.
indirect lighting lighting not directed at the object or area to be illuminated, but rather reflected, as off a ceiling, or diffused.
joist any of usu. many small beams placed horizontally from one side of a room or building to the other, to which a ceiling or floorboards are to be attached. [1/2 definitions]
mural a picture, usu. large in scale, painted on or made a part of a wall or ceiling. [2/3 definitions]
oubliette a hidden dungeon entered only through a trap door in the ceiling, as found in certain old castles.
overhead located or installed above head level, as in the ceiling. [1/5 definitions]
pane a division or panel, as of a door, ceiling, or wainscoting. [1/2 definitions]
planetarium an apparatus that projects a representation of the stars, planets, and the like, usu. upon a dome-shaped ceiling. [1/3 definitions]
punkah a large fan used in India, traditionally wielded by a servant, consisting of a hand-held palmyra leaf or a strip of canvas stretched on a frame that is suspended from the ceiling and operated by ropes and pulleys.
rotunda a large central hall with a high ceiling, such as the lobby of a hotel or office building. [1/2 definitions]
scuttle3 a small covered hatch or other opening, as in a ship, roof, or ceiling. [1/4 definitions]
skylight a window in a roof or ceiling, used to admit light.
subceiling combined form of ceiling.
track lighting a means of illuminating a room or the like with adjustable lights that are arranged along a narrow electrified track on a wall or ceiling.
trapdoor a hinged or sliding door that is fitted into and usu. flush with a floor, ceiling, or roof.