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Dictionary Suite
advantage a position or place of superiority or domination. [2/3 definitions]
bossism domination or control by bosses, as of a political party or unit or a governmental entity.
command domination because of location or position. [1/12 definitions]
imperialistic of or pertaining to the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or political domination. [1/2 definitions]
masochism an act or instance of, or preference for, deriving pleasure from being subjected to pain, humiliation, domination, or the like. (Cf. sadism.)
mobocracy political rule or domination by a mob.
mortification the domination of one's own body or desires by self-imposed deprivations or other ordeals. [1/3 definitions]
nationalist (cap.) a follower of a political movement that favors national government and resistance against foreign domination or interference. [1/3 definitions]
upper hand a position of domination, control, or advantage.
Vietminh a Vietnamese organization, formed in 1941 by a coalition of nationalists and communists, that sought independence from domination by the Japanese and the French. [1/2 definitions]