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Dictionary Suite
bold imaginative; innovative. [1/5 definitions]
conceit an imaginative idea or fanciful notion. [1/3 definitions]
creative capable of inventing or producing something original or imaginative. [1/2 definitions]
creativity the capability of inventing or producing original or imaginative work. [1/2 definitions]
fairy tale a fictitious, sometimes incredible, imaginative story, often involving giants, ogres, elves, or other magical creatures and characters. [1/2 definitions]
fanciful exhibiting use of the imagination; whimsical or imaginative. [1/3 definitions]
fantastic wildly imaginative or outlandish; fanciful; exaggerated. [1/5 definitions]
fantasy fiction containing highly imaginative, grotesque, or supernatural elements. [1/5 definitions]
fire passion or imaginative excitement. [1/14 definitions]
inventive adept at thinking up new ideas or at devising new objects or methods; imaginative. [1/2 definitions]
overimaginative combined form of imaginative.
unimaginative combined form of imaginative.
whimsical slightly odd or amusing in a uniquely imaginative way; fanciful; quaint. [1/3 definitions]