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Africa a continent of the Eastern Hemisphere south of Europe, between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
alewife1 a small fish, related to the herring and resembling the shad, found in North America in the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes.
Algonquian a family of North American Indian languages spoken by tribes from Labrador to the Carolinas and from the Atlantic coast to the Rocky Mountains. [1/3 definitions]
Amazon a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic. [1/3 definitions]
Amazon River a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic.
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica at the southern confluence of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
Atlantic of or pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean. [2 definitions]
Atlantic Ocean an ocean bordered by Europe and Africa on the east and the Americas on the west; Atlantic.
Atlantic Standard Time the standard time used in the western Atlantic and the easternmost parts of Canada, four hours behind Greenwich time.
Atlantis a mythical Atlantic island and ancient civilization west of Gibraltar that supposedly sank into the sea.
Barbary Coast the North African Mediterranean coast from Egypt to the Atlantic, formerly known as a base for pirates.
batfish any of the family of marine angler fishes, often found in the Atlantic along the southern U.S. coast. [1/2 definitions]
black margate a grunt of the tropical western Atlantic.
bluefish a blue-colored game and food fish found in temperate Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. [1/2 definitions]
Brazil the largest South American country, on the Atlantic coast; United States of Brazil.
brisling a small fish of the northeastern Atlantic; sprat.
butterfish a flat-bodied fish caught for food along the North American Atlantic coast.
Cameroon a West African country on the Atlantic coast south of Nigeria.
Canada a North American country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of the United States.
Cape of Good Hope a cape on the Atlantic at the southern tip of Africa.
Cape Verde an African country comprising Atlantic islands west of the Senegal coast.