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blindfold to prevent clear perception or thinking. [1/4 definitions]
blunder to say without thinking. [1/5 definitions]
boilerplate hackneyed language that expresses the conventional thinking or feelings on a subject. [1/5 definitions]
clearsighted possessing sound judgment; thinking clearly; perceptive. [1/2 definitions]
clever showing intelligent thinking, originality, or ingenuity. [1/4 definitions]
deliberation the act of carefully thinking about a matter in order to make a decision; the act of deliberating. [1/3 definitions]
deliberative showing, or resulting from, unhurried methodical thinking. [1/2 definitions]
dimwitted (informal) stupid or slow-thinking.
dumb unintelligent, or reflecting a lack of intelligent thinking; idiotic; stupid. [1/4 definitions]
eccentric not adhering to the recognized or accepted manner, behavior, or thinking; unconventional; peculiar. [1/5 definitions]
extremist a person who takes a radical stand and encourages radical action or thinking, esp. in politics. [1/3 definitions]
fast-talk to influence or persuade by speaking cleverly or deceptively, esp. so as to prevent objections or clear thinking.
forethought a thinking about beforehand, esp. in order to make provision for an eventuality; anticipation; calculation.
headfirst without thinking; impulsively; hastily. [1/2 definitions]
heads-up displaying quick thinking or resourcefulness; alert; resourceful. [1/3 definitions]
hmm used to indicate the act or process of thinking and considering a matter.
horse sense (informal) practical wisdom or thinking; common sense.
incline to be disposed or tend towards certain viewpoints or ways of thinking or feeling. [1/5 definitions]
inclined having a tendency toward or preference for a particular behavior, action, or way of thinking or feeling. [1/2 definitions]
inventive adept at thinking up new ideas or at devising new objects or methods; imaginative. [1/2 definitions]
logical in accordance with sound thinking; reasonable; sensible. [2/4 definitions]