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Dictionary Suite
arbor vitae the treelike structure of the white matter in the cerebellum when viewed in longitudinal cross section.
cross section a planar view exposed by cutting through an object, usu. at right angles to its longitudinal axis. [1/3 definitions]
crosstie a transverse timber or rod used to support a longitudinal beam or rail. [1/2 definitions]
crosstown running or extending across the longitudinal axis, and main thoroughfares, of a city. [1/2 definitions]
keel in biology, a longitudinal structure on a bone, stem, leaf, or the like; ridge; carina. [1/4 definitions]
longitudinal a longitudinal part of a frame, as of a ship. [1/4 definitions]
polyconic projection a type of map on which the latitudinal lines are represented as the arcs of circles with different centers along the straight central meridian, and the other longitudinal lines are shown as curves.
rainbow trout a widely distributed freshwater trout with a reddish longitudinal streak and dark spots.
sound wave a longitudinal pressure wave in an elastic medium such as air, esp. one that is in an audible range.
time zone any of twenty-four longitudinal divisions of the earth that are roughly defined by their distances from the prime meridian, and each of which keeps a standard time one hour earlier than does the zone to its east.
transit instrument a telescope mounted so that it can be rotated only along a longitudinal meridian, used to observe and measure the transit time of celestial bodies across that meridian.