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allowance that which is allowed. [1/3 definitions]
bandy of legs, curved outward; bowed. [1/4 definitions]
barge to transport in a flat-bottomed boat that is pushed or towed. [1/4 definitions]
brewery a building or plant where beer or ale is brewed.
capsule a gelatinous case for medicine, or such a case together with its contents, that dissolves when swallowed. [1/7 definitions]
complement an amount that makes up a full quantity, or the amount that is the maximum allowed. [1/7 definitions]
corrugate shaped or bent into parallel ridges and grooves; wrinkled or furrowed. [1/2 definitions]
creditor one to whom money is owed.
default failure to perform an action or fulfill an obligation that is legally or morally required, esp. the obligation of paying money that is owed. [2/14 definitions]
draw the line to set a limit on what is allowed.
electron microscope any of various microscopes that use electrons rather than rays of light to magnify the image of the object being viewed.
focus an adjustment on an optical device that will sharpen the image viewed. [1/9 definitions]
fol. abbreviation of "following" or "followed."
foul out of a player in certain sports, to be put out of a game for exceeding the number of fouls allowed. [1/2 definitions]
fresh revived; renewed. [1/11 definitions]
freshen to become fresh or renewed. [1/4 definitions]
furrow to make a furrow or become furrowed. [1/4 definitions]
guideline (often pl.) an indicator of a procedure or course to be followed.
indebtedness the thing or amount owed. [1/2 definitions]
library a place where books, periodicals, films, records, and other materials are housed for access and study, and from which they may be borrowed. [1/2 definitions]
loan that which is lent or borrowed. [1/5 definitions]