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Dictionary Suite
aftershave an astringent, scented lotion for use on the face after shaving.
clean-shaven hairless or without facial hair, as from recent shaving.
foam a thick, long-lasting froth produced by chemical means, such as shaving cream or certain fire-extinguishing agents. [1/6 definitions]
razor an instrument that has a very sharp, replaceable blade or blades and is used for shaving away body or facial hair. [2/4 definitions]
shave an instance or the result of shaving, esp. the face. [1/8 definitions]
styptic pencil a short, firm stick of some astringent compound, often alum, used to stop the bleeding of small nicks or cuts, such as those received while shaving.
tonsure the act of cutting the hair or shaving the head, esp. the crown, or the state resulting therefrom. [1/3 definitions]