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Dictionary Suite
bedroll bedding rolled into a portable bundle, as for camping outdoors.
bedsore a skin sore caused by the prolonged pressure of bedding, as in a long illness.
bindle (slang, old-fashioned) a bundle of possessions carried by a hobo, usually including bedding. Traditionally, a bindle might be tied to a stick and carried over the shoulder.
linen (often pl.) bedding, napkins, tablecloths, or the like made of linen or a similar material. [1/3 definitions]
litter to provide (an animal) with straw or the like for bedding. [1/11 definitions]
sheet1 a large rectangular article of bedding, usually of cotton or linen. [1/6 definitions]
straw a mass of grain stalks after drying and threshing, used as bedding or fodder for animals, for weaving hats and baskets, or for packing. [1/7 definitions]
stuffing that which is or can be stuffed, esp. the fillings used to stuff fowl or the fillings and padding used in upholstery and bedding. [1/2 definitions]