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Dictionary Suite
air taxi a small aircraft that carries passengers or cargo over short distances, esp. to places not served by regular airlines.
harrow to go over or break up (soil) with a harrow. [1/4 definitions]
negotiate to accomplish, cope with, or go over or through successfully. [1/5 definitions]
overhaul to go over thoroughly, taking apart as necessary and making all needed repairs. [1/3 definitions]
overshoot to go over, beyond, or above (a specific goal, target, or the like); miss or overreach. [1/2 definitions]
portage the carrying of small boats or their cargo overland between two navigable waterways. [1/4 definitions]
stride to go over or across in one long step. [1/7 definitions]
top1 to reach or go over the top of. [1/15 definitions]
transgress to go over or beyond (a limit or boundary). [1/3 definitions]
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross. [1/11 definitions]