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canalize to provide an outlet for or channel into a specific direction. [1/3 definitions]
cord a flexible electrical cable with a protective covering, used to supply power from an outlet to an appliance. [1/8 definitions]
dead-end having one end or outlet closed. [1/2 definitions]
debouch an outlet from a narrow place into open country. [1/4 definitions]
flex (chiefly British) a small flexible electrical cable with a protective coating, used to supply power from an outlet to an appliance; cord. [1/3 definitions]
hickey an electrical fitting allowing a light fixture to be connected to an outlet box. [1/3 definitions]
impasse a road or path that has no outlet. [1/2 definitions]
occupational therapy therapy consisting of work designed to provide mental diversion or a creative outlet, exercise to heal or correct a physical deficiency or injury, or training in vocational skills.
outfall the outlet or place of discharge of a drain, sewer, or the like.
overflow an outlet from which excess liquid may exit. [1/10 definitions]
port1 a computer outlet for connecting auxiliary equipment that sends or receives data. [1/4 definitions]
power point (chiefly British) a point in an electrical system where electrical appliances can be connected to the current; outlet.
receptacle an electric outlet, as on a wall, that allows a plug to make contact with the power supply. [1/2 definitions]
unplug to remove (the plug of an electrical appliance) from an outlet. [1/2 definitions]