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allometry the study or measurement of such growth comparisons. [1/2 definitions]
angulation the measurement of angles. [1/3 definitions]
anisotropic having one or more physical property that differs depending on the direction of measurement. [1/2 definitions]
base line a line used as a base, as in measurement or surveying. [1/3 definitions]
centimeter-gram-second of or concerning the system of measurement in which the centimeter, gram, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
chronological related to the measurement of time or the science of chronology. [1/2 definitions]
cubic measure a system of measurement of volume in which 1,728 cubic inches equal one cubic foot and 1,000 cubic millimeters equal one cubic centimeter.
customary of, by, or in reference to the U.S. customary system of measurement, which comprises those units of measurement, such as capacity, length, and mass, that are used primarily in the United States. [1/3 definitions]
denominate of a number, preceding a unit of measurement. [1/2 definitions]
foot-pound-second of, designating, or pertaining to the system of measurement in which the foot, pound, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
fps abbreviation of "foot-pound-second," or "foot-pound-seconds," of, designating, or pertaining to the system of measurement in which the foot, pound, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
gauge a device used to make a measurement. [1/7 definitions]
goniometry the science or theory dealing with the measurement of angles.
graduated divided according to units of measurement. [1/2 definitions]
graduation a mark indicating a degree of measurement. [1/4 definitions]
gravimetric of or concerning the measurement of weight.
incommensurable lacking a common standard of measurement or comparison.
isotropic having physical properties, such as heat conductivity or growth, that are the same along any axis of measurement.
linear measure any measurement of length, or measurement of length generally. [1/2 definitions]
measure to have as a measurement. [1/14 definitions]
mensurable subject to measurement; measurable.