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Dictionary Suite
ablaze on fire; burning. [1/2 definitions]
aflame on fire; blazing. [1/2 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [1/4 definitions]
burn to be in flames; be on fire. [2/14 definitions]
burning on fire; in flames. [1/4 definitions]
cannonry artillery or cannon fire. [1/2 definitions]
enkindle to set on fire; ignite. [1/2 definitions]
flame to apply a flame to; set on fire. [1/9 definitions]
flammable able to catch on fire easily; combustible.
holocaust a sacrificial offering that is set on fire and destroyed. [1/3 definitions]
ignite to cause to begin burning; set on fire; kindle. [1/5 definitions]
light1 to cause to catch on fire; ignite. [1/13 definitions]
phoenix (sometimes cap.) in Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird that lives for about five hundred years, sets itself on fire, and rises reborn from the ashes, symbolizing immortality.
self-immolation the act of setting oneself on fire as a form of protest or sacrifice.
tinderbox any place such as a room or building that would burn quickly if it caught on fire. [1/2 definitions]