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alcoholism a pathological condition resulting from habitual overuse of alcoholic beverages, characterized by dependence on alcohol, difficulty in functioning properly, and severe withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped.
alkalosis a pathological condition of the body fluids, characterized by a dangerously high alkali content.
allergy a pathological state of extreme sensitivity to certain substances, causing respiratory difficulties, skin rashes, and other problems.
carpal tunnel syndrome a pathological condition of pressure on the median nerve of the wrist and hand, usu. resulting in pain, numbness, and muscular weakening.
cyst a fluid-filled vesicle or sac within body tissue, sometimes a pathological development but most often not. [1/3 definitions]
desquamate to peel or scale, as the skin in certain pathological conditions.
exhibitionism the pathological desire to expose one's genitalia in public. [1/2 definitions]
hypochondria a pathological preoccupation with the likelihood of becoming ill or with imagined pains or diseases.
hysteria a chronic pathological disorder characterized by violent outbursts of emotion and sensory or motor disturbances such as hallucination or paralysis. [1/2 definitions]
hysteric (usu. pl.; used with a sing. or pl. verb) an attack of pathological hysteria. [1/4 definitions]
-ia pathological state; disease. [1/5 definitions]
-iasis a process or condition, esp. a harmful or pathological one.
ictus in medicine, a sudden pathological attack, such as a stroke or epileptic seizure. [1/2 definitions]
-osis an abnormal or pathological condition. [1/3 definitions]
-otic having (such) an abnormal or pathological condition. [1/3 definitions]
-pathy an abnormal or pathological condition, disease. [1/3 definitions]
perseveration the pathological continuation or repetition of an action, gesture, or expression, such as a word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
-phyte in medicine, a pathological growth. [1/2 definitions]
priapism a pathological condition of continuous, often painful, erection of the penis, esp. as caused by disease. [1/2 definitions]
ringbone a pathological bony growth on the pastern bones of a horse's leg, which often causes lameness.
varicosity a pathological condition of abnormal swelling and enlargement, usu. of the veins of the legs. [1/2 definitions]