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Dictionary Suite
coffer (usu. pl.) monetary resources, esp. those of a treasury. [1/3 definitions]
exchequer a treasury, esp. of a government. [1/2 definitions]
finance the management of money or other assets, esp. those in the public treasury. [1/4 definitions]
free gold gold of the U.S. treasury whose use is not restricted to the redemption of gold certificates. [1/2 definitions]
money-market fund a mutual fund whose investments are of a short-term nature and consist of commercial paper or treasury bills, usu. giving a fairly high interest rate.
revenuer (informal) a Treasury Department agent, esp. one who is assigned to combat illegal liquor operations.
secret service (caps.) a branch of the U.S. Treasury that provides protection for the President and investigates and arrests counterfeiters. [1/2 definitions]
subtreasury a subordinate or secondary treasury; branch of a treasury.
T-bill abbreviation of "Treasury bill."
treasury note an interest-bearing note, maturing in from one to ten years, that is issued by the U.S. Treasury and is receivable as legal tender for all debts.