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censer a small container, often swung from chains by a cleric in religious ceremonies, in which the fragrance of burning incense is dispersed.
frankincense a sweet-smelling gum resin obtained from various Asian and African trees and used mainly in incense.
High Mass a Catholic mass in which parts of the text are sung by the celebrant, often with additional music, incense, and ceremony. (Cf. Low Mass.)
incense1 to scent with incense. [1/4 definitions]
joss stick a stick of incense that the Chinese burn in honor of a joss.
myrrh a sweet-smelling gum exuded by several related trees and shrubs native to India, Arabia, and East Africa, and used in perfume and incense.
sandarac the resin from this tree, used in varnishes and as incense. [1/2 definitions]