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brush1 to use a brush to clean one's teeth or groom one's hair. [1/8 definitions]
curry2 to comb and groom (a horse) by using a currycomb. [1/2 definitions]
currycomb a metal comb used to groom horses. [1/2 definitions]
hairbrush a brush used to groom and arrange the hair.
manicure to groom (the fingernails). [2/3 definitions]
preen to dress or groom (oneself) with great attention and self-admiration; primp. [2/5 definitions]
primp to groom, arrange, or assemble (one's hair, clothing, or the like) with unusually attentive care. [2 definitions]
prink to dress or groom oneself with care, as by observing the effect of various adornments or arrangements in a mirror; primp. [1/2 definitions]
regroom combined form of groom.
wedding ring a ring, often a band of gold or platinum, that is given by a groom to a bride, and sometimes by a bride to a groom, during a marriage ceremony.