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belt to hit hard, as with the fist. [1/11 definitions]
blow1 a quick, forcible hit by the fist or by a hard object. [1/3 definitions]
bop2 (informal) to strike, as with a fist or weapon. [2 definitions]
box2 a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [2/6 definitions]
brass knuckles a band of metal with finger holes that is worn over the knuckles in a fist fight in order to cause greater injury than bare knuckles.
buffet1 a forceful blow, as with a club or fist. [1/4 definitions]
clout a powerful blow or stroke, esp. with the fist. [2/3 definitions]
cobblestone a naturally rounded stone, about the size of a fist, formerly used in paving streets or the like.
fist to close (the hand) tightly into a fist. [2/3 definitions]
haymaker (informal) a knockout blow with the fist. [1/2 definitions]
hit to strike a blow using a fist or weapon. [1/16 definitions]
left1 in boxing, a blow struck with the left fist. [1/6 definitions]
one-two in boxing, a sequence of two punches, such as a quick jab with the left fist followed immediately by a hard punch with the right.
paste2 (informal) a hard blow, as with a fist. [1/2 definitions]
poke (informal) to hit (someone) with the fist. [2/12 definitions]
punch1 a hard, quick blow with the fist. [1/6 definitions]
sidewinder (informal) a hard punch, dealt by swinging the fist from the side. [1/3 definitions]
slug2 (informal) to hit heavily, esp. with a clenched fist. [1/2 definitions]
sock2 (informal) to hit or strike hard, esp. with a fist. [2 definitions]