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able having the skill, power, or opportunity that one must have to do a thing. [1/3 definitions]
allegation in law, an assertion that must be proven by the party who made it. [1/3 definitions]
amino acid any of the organic acids necessary to build proteins and sustain life, some of which cannot be synthesized in the body and so must be consumed in the diet.
ante in poker, an amount of money that a player must put into play before seeing his or her cards. [1/3 definitions]
base line in baseball, the area within which a runner must stay while running from base to base. [1/3 definitions]
call loan a loan that must be repaid on demand at any time.
cannot but cannot do otherwise than; must.
charade (usu. pl.) a game in which each player must act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other teammates must try to guess it. [1/2 definitions]
checkout the time by which a guest at a hotel must vacate his or her room and pay the bill. [1/4 definitions]
closed primary election in the United States, a direct primary election in which voters must show evidence of their party affiliation and may vote only for candidates of the same party.
compose a ten in mathematics education, to determine what number must be added to another number to make a total of ten.
consideration a factor that must be taken into account in making a decision. [1/3 definitions]
contingency a possible future event that must be prepared for. [1/3 definitions]
cordless phone a telephone that consists of a battery-operated handset that communicates across short distances via radio waves to an electrically-powered unit that must be connected to a telephone line in order to function.
crossword a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares; crossword puzzle.
crossword puzzle a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares.
curfew a rule or law that establishes a time after which everyone, or everyone of a particular class or group, must be off the street and inside for the night. [1/2 definitions]
curvet an advanced dressage figure in which a horse must rear and then spring forward onto its forelegs with the hind legs fully outstretched. [1/2 definitions]
customer (informal) one who must be dealt with. [1/2 definitions]
cut one's wisdom teeth to attain maturity; arrive at an age when decisions must be made and discretion practiced.
deadline a date or time by which something must be done. [2 definitions]