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abalone a large edible marine snail, the shell of which is lined with mother-of-pearl.
airburst an explosion of a bomb or shell before it touches the ground.
azimuth in gunnery or surveying, the angle of sideways divergence from a standard path or direction, as of a bomb or shell. [1/2 definitions]
Banbury tart a small pastry shell filled with raisins, currants, nuts, and the like.
bazooka a shoulder-held, cylindrical rocket-launcher that fires an armor-penetrating shell.
bivalve having two shells, or a shell in two parts, usu. joined by a hinge. [1/3 definitions]
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives that is dropped, thrown, or otherwise directed at a certain target for destructive purposes. [1/8 definitions]
box turtle any of several North American land turtles with a hinged shell that can completely enclose the body; box tortoise.
caliber the outer diameter of a bullet or artillery shell. [1/3 definitions]
calzone an Italian dish consisting of a pizza-dough shell filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, or the like.
capsid the outer protein shell of a virus particle that surrounds its nucleic acid.
carcass the useless remains of anything; empty shell. [1/3 definitions]
chalaza one of two spiral strands of albumen that connect the yolk of an egg to the shell membrane and help keep the yolk centrally suspended.
chamber the compartment of a gun or other firearm that holds the cartridge or shell. [1/6 definitions]
chess pie a custardlike dessert baked in a pastry shell.
chestnut an edible nut produced by a tree or shrub of the beech family and having a prickly shell. [1/5 definitions]
chrysalis a hard shell or cocoon encasing a moth or butterfly in the pupal stage; pupa.
clams casino a dish in which clams, combined with a dressing flavored with garlic and bacon, are broiled on the half shell.
clamshell the shell of a clam. [1/2 definitions]
cochleate shaped or twisted in a spiral, like a snail shell.
cockle the ribbed shell of a cockle. [1/5 definitions]