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Guy Fawkes Day November 5, a holiday in the UK on the anniversary of Guy Hawkes' failed attempt in 1605 to blow up the House of Lords, celebrated with bonfires and fireworks.
light off to set fire to (fireworks or the like) in order to cause an explosion, usually for the purpose of entertainment.
magnesium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has twelve protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds, but that can be isolated as a divalent ion essential in plant and animal nutrition, or as alight, ductile, silver-white solid that bursts into a bright flame when heated above room temperature, used for flares, fireworks, and the like. (symbol: Mg)
potassium chlorate a poisonous white or colorless crystalline solid used as an oxidizing agent in the making of disinfectants, bleaches, matches, fireworks, and explosives.
pyrotechnic of or relating to fireworks. [2/3 definitions]
pyrotechnics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the practice or art of making or using fireworks. [2/3 definitions]
realgar the orange-red mineral, arsenic sulfide, used in fireworks and as a pigment.
rocket1 a tube propelled by the gases ejected from the rear that are the product of fuels or explosives ignited and burned inside the tube, used for fireworks, flares, and airborne weapons, and for launching spacecraft and missiles. [1/6 definitions]