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Dictionary Suite
aside in reserve or apart. [1/6 definitions]
auxiliary serving as a supplement, as reserve troops; additional; supplementary. [1/7 definitions]
backup an alternate, substitute, or copy kept in reserve. [2/4 definitions]
bank2 the reserve of money held by a gambling establishment. [2/6 definitions]
bespeak to arrange for or reserve in advance. [1/2 definitions]
book to reserve or engage for use or services; make an appointment for. [2/13 definitions]
constraint embarrassed reserve. [1/4 definitions]
coverage the amount or type of protection available against loss or liability as provided by insurance or reserve funds, or the protection itself. [1/3 definitions]
engage to reserve. [1/11 definitions]
Federal Reserve Bank any of twelve central district banks in the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
Federal Reserve note U.S. paper currency in various denominations issued by a Federal Reserve Bank.
gold certificate a certificate or note representing a share of the U.S. gold reserve, formerly issued to and redeemable by the public, but now issued only to Federal Reserve Banks.
hold1 an order to delay or reserve an item, action, or situation. [1/18 definitions]
inferiority complex a neurotic condition caused by intense feelings of inferiority or inadequacy and characterized by either extreme reserve or aggressive behavior. [1/2 definitions]
in store in a state of readiness; on reserve. [1/2 definitions]
layaway a system of payment in which a deposit is made to reserve desired goods, the goods are then paid for over time in installments, and the goods are received by the customer when they are paid for in full. [1/2 definitions]
national bank a bank chartered by the U.S. Government and required to be a member of the Federal Reserve System. [1/2 definitions]
National Guard a U.S. military reserve force recruited and maintained by each state, but subject to the call of either the state or federal government.
on ice (informal) in reserve.
outspoken spoken or expressed without reserve or qualification; frank. [1/2 definitions]
rediscount rate the rate of interest a member bank pays to borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank, using top grade commercial paper as collateral.