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acute in geometry, of less than ninety degrees. [1/7 definitions]
altitude in geometry, a perpendicular line segment that extends from one vertex of a figure to the opposite edge or face, or the length of such a line segment; height. [1/4 definitions]
analytic geometry a branch of geometry that uses algebraic equations to determine distance or the like by using variables defined by coordinates; Cartesian geometry.
circumcenter in geometry, the center of a circumscribed circle, which is a circle is that touches all the vertices of a polygon.
complement in geometry, the difference between a right angle and a given angle that is less than ninety degrees. [1/7 definitions]
cone in geometry, a three-dimensional shape created by rotating a right triangle 360 degrees on its vertical axis. [1/5 definitions]
congruent in geometry, exactly the same in shape and size. [1/2 definitions]
conic section in geometry, a curve, such as an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, created by the intersection of a plane and a right circular cone.
conoid in geometry, a solid formed by the revolution of a conic section around its axis. [1/3 definitions]
cusp in geometry and architecture, the point at which two curves become tangent. [1/3 definitions]
cycloid in geometry, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that is rolling along a straight line. [1/3 definitions]
cylinder in geometry, a surface or volume described by a straight line tracing a closed curve, esp. a circle, at a fixed angle, usu. a right angle, in two parallel planes. [1/5 definitions]
decagon in geometry, a ten-sided plane figure.
decahedron in geometry, a ten-faced solid figure.
diameter in geometry, a straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and having its ends on the circumference or surface. [1/3 definitions]
epicycle in geometry, a small circle that rolls on the inside or the outside of the circumference of a larger circle. [1/2 definitions]
erect in geometry, to draw (a figure) upon a defined line or other base. [1/7 definitions]
geometric of or concerning geometry. [2 definitions]
geometry any of various systems of geometry based upon different sets of assumptions called axioms. [1/3 definitions]
mensuration the branch of geometry concerned with measuring length, area, and volume. [1/2 definitions]
midpoint in geometry, the point that divides a line or arc into two equal lengths. [1/2 definitions]