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Dictionary Suite
aerial of, associated with, or accomplished by means of aircraft. [1/6 definitions]
black magic magic accomplished with evil intent or by satanic means; sorcery; witchcraft.
bootstrap done or accomplished without outside help or abundant resources. [1/5 definitions]
breeze (informal) a simple or quickly accomplished task. [1/4 definitions]
cinéma vérité (French) a style of filmmaking in which realism is the objective, accomplished through filming unscripted everyday situations with hand-held cameras.
come off (informal) of an event or project, to occur as intended, or to be successfully launched or accomplished. [1/6 definitions]
coup d'état a sudden surprise overthrow of a government, accomplished through political means or, more often, by force.
dig an archaeological exploration accomplished by digging. [1/8 definitions]
diligent pursued or accomplished with sustained and careful attention; painstaking. [1/2 definitions]
done finished; completed; accomplished. [1/4 definitions]
double cross (informal) a betrayal or swindle accomplished by a course of action contrary to that previously agreed upon with the victim. [1/2 definitions]
empty-handed having gained or accomplished nothing. [1/2 definitions]
halfhearted accomplished with or showing little interest or enthusiasm.
heterodyne of or designating a merging or method of merging two frequencies such that the resulting frequency equals the sum of or difference between the two, often accomplished by the modification of an incoming signal by a receiver. [1/3 definitions]
instrument landing a landing accomplished only by means of the instruments of an aircraft and signals from the ground, rather than by visual observation.
literati those who are accomplished in scholarly or literary fields; intelligentsia.
mover one who is very influential and energetic and who is known for being able to get a great deal accomplished, esp. in politics or business. [1/3 definitions]
oral spoken, as opposed to written; accomplished by speaking. [1/3 definitions]
plan the way something is to be accomplished; scheme or method of procedure. [1/7 definitions]
quickie (informal) anything that is prepared or accomplished quickly, esp. to avoid adequate time or effort.
rate1 the speed or pace at which something is accomplished. [1/12 definitions]