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accordingly consequently; therefore; so. [1/2 definitions]
beatification in the Roman Catholic Church, the process of determining whether a deceased person should be declared to be in heaven and therefore deserving of special honor, or the final decision and declaration that this is so. [1/2 definitions]
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth born to wealthy parents and therefore having had privileges that others have not had.
cell phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cellular phone.
cellular phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cellular phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cell phone; mobile phone.
congenial suited to or compatible with one's tastes or character, and therefore pleasing. [1/2 definitions]
consequently as a result; therefore; accordingly.
curious different from the usual and therefore interesting; odd. [1/3 definitions]
deconstruction a literary criticism philosophy, introduced in the 1960s, asserting that because words are defined using other words, the meaning of text has no stable reference and therefore cannot have a fixed meaning. [1/2 definitions]
determinism the belief or teaching that every effect, including human thoughts and actions, is completely and predictably determined by preceding causes and that, therefore, free will does not exist.
dharma conformity to the essence of the universe or one's self, and therefore to virtue, religion, and law. [1/2 definitions]
electoral vote the tally of the votes cast by the electors of the electoral college in a U.S. presidential election. In most states, the winner of the popular vote receives one hundred percent of that state's electoral vote; therefore, the percentage of the total electoral vote cast for each candidate may not reflect the percentage of the popular vote cast for each candidate. [1/2 definitions]
ergo as a consequence; therefore.
form class a class of words or word elements that share certain grammatical features and therefore function similarly in a language, such as the class of words called adjectives.
god in various mythologies such as those of Greece and Rome, a being believed to have supernatural powers and therefore worshiped, esp. a male deity believed to control some part of nature or life in the world. [1/6 definitions]
hence therefore; for this reason; thus. [1/2 definitions]
hereat therefore. [1/2 definitions]
historic of very great significance or importance and therefore likely to be remembered in history; momentous. [1/4 definitions]
isomer a chemical compound that has the same kind and number of atoms as one or more other compounds, but differs from them in structural or spatial arrangement of the atoms and therefore in its properties. [1/2 definitions]
low-resolution of or pertaining to an image that has a small number of pixels per unit area and therefore lacks fine detail. [1/2 definitions]
miracle an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is therefore attributed to a supernatural or divine power. [1/2 definitions]