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courgette (chiefly British) a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind; a zucchini.
dill a cucumber pickle flavored with this herb. [1/2 definitions]
dill pickle a pickled cucumber flavored with dill.
falafel a sandwich made of falafel, diced tomato or cucumber, sometimes onions or lettuce, and a sauce, usu. stuffed into pita bread. [1/2 definitions]
gherkin a variety of small cucumber used for pickling. [3 definitions]
pickle a food, usu. cucumber, that has been preserved in a solution of salt, vinegar, and usu. seasonings. [1/4 definitions]
salad any of various cold vegetable mixtures, usu. containing lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions, and the like, and served with a dressing. [1/2 definitions]
sea cucumber an echinoderm that has a long, leathery, cucumber-shaped body with a cluster of tentacles surrounding the mouth at one end.
zucchini a type of summer squash that has a smooth, dark green rind and is cucumber-shaped.