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attached having fond or affectionate feelings for and not wanting to part with. [1/4 definitions]
baby (informal) darling; sweetheart (used as an affectionate term of address). [1/11 definitions]
baby doll (old-fashioned) used as an affectionate or flirtatious term for a woman, esp. one's girlfriend or wife. [1/4 definitions]
dear a person who is loved or thought of fondly by the person speaking (often used as an affectionate form of address). [1/9 definitions]
deary dear one; used as an affectionate, or sometimes patronizing, term of address.
demonstrative given to open expressions of feeling, esp. affectionate feeling. [1/5 definitions]
doting extremely or excessively affectionate. [1/2 definitions]
endearment a loving or affectionate act, word, or gesture. [1/2 definitions]
fond characterized by or expressing tender or affectionate feelings. [2/4 definitions]
fondle to touch or stroke in a tender or affectionate manner; treat lovingly; caress. [1/2 definitions]
honey (informal) sweet one; sweetheart; dear (used as an affectionate term of address). [1/6 definitions]
lad (informal) a familiar or affectionate term or form of address for a man. [1/2 definitions]
lovebird any of a number of small parrots, popular as pets, that appear to be very affectionate to each other. [2 definitions]
lovemaking affectionate behavior intended to lead to a romantic attachment; courtship. [1/2 definitions]
remember to send affectionate greetings from. [1/7 definitions]
sobriquet a nickname, esp. an affectionate or comical one.
sweetheart my darling; honey; dear one (used as an affectionate term of address). [1/4 definitions]
unaffectionate combined form of affectionate.
warm friendly, kindly, or affectionate. [1/14 definitions]