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ammonium the ion resulting from the chemical combination of ammonia and a hydrogen ion.
anion a negatively charged ion.
cation an ion with a positive charge. (Cf. anion.)
chelate in chemistry, of or designating a compound in which the central metallic ion is bonded with two or more nonmetallic atoms to form a closed chain. [3/7 definitions]
cofactor in biochemistry, an ion or small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme.
gallium a silvery metal chemical element that has thirty-one protons in each nucleus, usu. forms a trivalent ion, and is often used in pure form in high-temperature thermometers because it melts at just above room temperature and remains liquid up to 1983 degrees Celsius. (symbol: Ga)
hydrogen ion the positive ion of a hydrogen atom whose electron has been removed, as in acids.
-ium positive ion. [1/2 definitions]
lanthanum a chemical element of the rare-earth group that has fifty-seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a soft, highly reactive, solid metal or as a trivalent ion. (symbol: La)
ligand in chemistry, any ion or molecule that forms a complex with a central metal atom. [1/2 definitions]
magnesium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has twelve protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds, but that can be isolated as a divalent ion essential in plant and animal nutrition, or as alight, ductile, silver-white solid that bursts into a bright flame when heated above room temperature, used for flares, fireworks, and the like. (symbol: Mg)
neodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has sixty protons in each nucleus and that occurs most frequently as a trivalent ion in salts and minerals, used esp. in coloring high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Nd)
osmium a chemical element that has seventy-six protons in each nucleus and that occurs as an octavalent ion or in pure form as an extremely hard, dense, brittle bluish metal solid used as a catalyst and esp. in alloys and in electron microscopy because of its extremely high density. (symbol: Os)
oxidation a process that removes electrons from an element, compound, or ion. [1/3 definitions]
reduction in chemistry, a process that adds electrons to an element, compound, or ion, resulting in a reduction in charge. [1/5 definitions]
scandium a metallic chemical element that has twenty-one protons in each nucleus and that forms a trivalent ion present in trace quantities in many minerals. (symbol: Sc)
sequestration in chemistry, a disruption of normal ion behavior in a solution by added material, with which the ions form a stable, soluble complex. [1/3 definitions]
yttrium a metallic chemical element that has thirty-nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a trivalent ion. (symbol: Y)