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argument a discussion in which there is disagreement along with presentation of various sides of an issue. [1/6 definitions]
bone of contention an issue or matter that causes or is the focus of disagreement.
boo used to express, usu. loudly, disagreement, disapproval, or derision. [1/5 definitions]
clash a conflict, battle, or disagreement. [1/6 definitions]
conflict to be in strong opposition or disagreement; differ. [2/6 definitions]
contradiction the act of contradicting, or the state of being in denial of or in complete disagreement with something else. [1/4 definitions]
credibility gap an apparent disagreement between purported and actual facts. [1/2 definitions]
differ to express disagreement. [1/3 definitions]
difference a disagreement. [1/5 definitions]
discord lack of agreement or harmony among persons or things; disagreement; conflict. [1/3 definitions]
discordance the state or an instance of disagreement or disharmony. [1/2 definitions]
discordant in conflict or disagreement. [1/2 definitions]
dissension strong disagreement or contention. [1/2 definitions]
dissent disagreement, objection, or protest, or a spoken or written declaration thereof. [1/3 definitions]
dissidence disagreement, esp. with beliefs or policies established by authorities; dissent.
dissonance disagreement or inconsistency. [1/2 definitions]
dissonant marked by disagreement or conflict. [1/2 definitions]
divided having different opinions; in disagreement. [1/3 definitions]
division disagreement. [1/7 definitions]
fight a battle, struggle, or angry disagreement. [1/9 definitions]
hassle (informal) a disagreement or squabble. [1/4 definitions]