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Dictionary Suite
bollard any of the thick stout posts on a wharf or pier, to which the mooring lines of vessels are attached. [1/2 definitions]
crib a heavy underwater framework for supporting a structure such as a pier, dock, boathouse, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
cutwater the upstream face of a bridge pier, designed to resist moving water or ice. [1/2 definitions]
dock1 a wharf or pier, the water bounded by two piers, or such water area together with the piers around it. [2/8 definitions]
jetty1 a pier built for docking ships; wharf. [1/2 definitions]
mole4 a massive stone or concrete structure serving as a pier or breakwater. [1/2 definitions]
quay a pier, wharf, or other structure built along a shore for landing, loading, and unloading boats or ships.
wharf a structure built along a shore, and often into the water, at which boats can be docked and loaded or unloaded; pier; quay. [1/4 definitions]