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advance to move or send forward. [1/14 definitions]
airmail to send (mail, packages, or the like) by air rather than by land or sea. [1/5 definitions]
banyan a large East Indian fig tree, the branches of which send down added roots which become supports. [1/2 definitions]
beam to transmit or send (an electronic signal). [2/8 definitions]
blow2 to move, force, or send along by means of an air current. [1/13 definitions]
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often fol. by "out" or "forth"). [1/2 definitions]
cable to send a cablegram to. [2/11 definitions]
chain letter a letter with a message or money-making proposal that instructs the recipient to copy the letter and send it to others.
circularize to send circulars to, or to advertise with circulars. [1/3 definitions]
circulatory of or pertaining to the circulatory system, the system of bodily organs, including the heart, arteries, and veins, that send blood and lymph throughout the body and return it, no longer containing oxygen, to the heart. [1/2 definitions]
consign to send or present (merchandise) to an agent to be sold or stored. [1/4 definitions]
delegate to appoint or send as an agent or representative. [1/3 definitions]
deliver to send or bring (something) to an intended destination or recipient. [1/9 definitions]
destine to specify for or send toward a particular place, end, or purpose. [1/2 definitions]
detach to send (a group of soldiers or the like) on a specific mission. [1/2 definitions]
direct to send or aim towards a place or person. [1/14 definitions]
dish antenna a radio antenna with a round, concave reflector, used to receive or send satellite and microwave signals.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away. [1/4 definitions]
dispatch to send off to a specific place or for a specific purpose. [1/7 definitions]
drop to send, as a message. [1/16 definitions]
email to send by e-mail. [1/4 definitions]