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beignet a square-shaped piece of fried dough topped with powdered sugar, sometimes filled with chocolate, cheese, fruit, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
bonbon a candy with a filling of fruit jam, nuts, or creamy sugar paste enclosed in a coating of chocolate or the like.
Boston cream pie a two-layer cake with a custard filling and chocolate icing.
brownie a small square of dense chocolate cake, usu. rich and chewy and often containing nuts. [1/3 definitions]
cacao the seed of this tree, used in making chocolate and cocoa. [1/2 definitions]
caffeine a bitter substance that occurs naturally in coffee, tea, chocolate, and certain other substances and has stimulant and diuretic effects.
candy a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu. with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts. [1/5 definitions]
candy bar a sweet in the form of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate along with other ingredients such as caramel, nougat, nuts, and the like, eaten as a snack.
cappuccino espresso coffee mixed with steamed milk and often topped with cinnamon or chocolate and whipped cream.
carob the pod of this tree, used in making beverages and candy that resemble chocolate, or used as fodder. [1/2 definitions]
chocolate a single small piece of chocolate candy, usually rectangular, round, or oval in shape and often containing a sweet filling or nuts. [3/7 definitions]
chocolate bar a candy bar made primarily with chocolate.
chocolate chip a small piece of chocolate, usually near-conical in shape, used in baking.
chocolate milk cow's milk with sweet, chocolate-flavored syrup or chocolate powder added.
chocolatier someone who makes fine chocolate candy, or a store that specializes in the sale of it.
crème de cacao a sweet, chocolate-flavored liqueur.
devil's food cake a rich, moist chocolate cake, often covered with rich icing.
éclair an oblong pastry filled with whipped cream or custard and usu. frosted with chocolate.
fondue a hot saucelike dish made mainly with melted cheese and wine or sometimes, as dessert, with chocolate, eaten by dipping into it pieces of bread or vegetables or, as dessert, pieces of cake or fruit.
fudge1 a soft, dense candy or frosting made by cooking sugar with other ingredients, such as butter, chocolate, milk, nuts, and flavorings.
Jimmies trademark for small chocolate sprinkles eaten esp. on ice cream.