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acquired characteristic a change in the structure or function of a living organism that is caused by environmental factors and may not be transmitted genetically.
adaptation in biology, the process of change in an organism, over time, resulting in it being better able to survive and multiply. [1/4 definitions]
aerobe an organism, such as a bacterium, that needs oxygen to live.
air chamber a compartment in which air is confined for a special use, as in a pump, a hydraulic fluid regulator, or a living organism.
air sac an air-filled space or cavity in a living organism, esp. any of the ends of certain bronchial tubes in a bird's body that connect with the larger body cavity and assist in breathing.
ala a wing or winglike part or structure on a living organism.
allometry the growth rate of part of an organism in comparison with the growth rate of the entire organism or some other part of it. [1/2 definitions]
amoeba a one-celled organism that changes its shape as it moves and engulfs food.
amphioxus a tiny fishlike marine organism characterized by a primitive vertebra and dorsal nerve tissue; lancelet.
anatomy the structure of an organism or of its parts. [2/4 definitions]
ancestor in biology, an organism or species from which present life forms have evolved. [1/4 definitions]
armature any part of an organism that provides its defense or offense, esp. an armor-like covering. [1/4 definitions]
assimilation in biology, the process by which foods or nutrients taken into the organism are transformed into living tissue. [1/3 definitions]
atavism the reappearance of a biological characteristic in an organism after it has not appeared for several generations, or an organism displaying such a characteristic. [1/2 definitions]
atavistic of a trait, behavior, or the like, existing or playing a role at an earlier stage or time and recurring or reappearing within an organism or within a society after long absence or seeming disappearance.
autonomous free and independent, as a state or an organism; self-governing.
basal metabolism the minimum expense of energy that is necessary for life in a resting organism.
behavioral of or concerning the behavior of a person, animal, or other organism.
bioavailability the extent to which a substance in the soil can be taken up by a living organism. [1/2 definitions]
bisexual an organism having both male and female sexual organs; hermaphrodite. [1/5 definitions]
blocker a drug or other substance that inhibits or prevents a biochemical reaction in an organism. [1/2 definitions]