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Dictionary Suite
cowl the part of an automobile frame that supports the windshield and houses the controls. [1/6 definitions]
dashboard in an automobile or other vehicle, a panel below the windshield containing dials, controls, and compartments.
defog to remove the condensed moisture or fog from (a mirror, windshield, or the like).
visor a movable flap above the inside windshield of a vehicle, used to shield the eyes from glare. [1/4 definitions]
windscreen (chiefly British) a transparent, usu. curved pane of glass or plastic mounted in front and usu. at eye level of the driver, rider, or pilot of a vehicle to shield him or her from wind; windshield.
windshield wiper a long, narrow piece of rubber attached to a metal blade that moves mechanically across a front or rear window of a car or other vehicle. A windshield wiper moves back and forth to remove raindrops, snow, leaves, dirt, or the like from the windshield.
wiper an implement or device for clearing water and dirt from glass, as on a windshield. [1/3 definitions]