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Dictionary Suite
acclaim vote by voice or applause, showing virtually unanimous approval; acclamation. [1/4 definitions]
acclamation a vote by voice or applause, showing virtually unanimous approval. [1/2 definitions]
confirmed settled in one's ways; virtually unchangeable. [1/3 definitions]
fig a trivial or worthless amount; virtually nothing. [1/3 definitions]
in effect virtually. [1/2 definitions]
laser a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation").
neutron bomb a nuclear weapon whose detonation releases many neutrons that kill or harm humans and other life, but results in virtually no damage to buildings or property.
paternalism the practice or policy of controlling or managing people in a nation, corporation, school, or the like in a paternal manner, by taking care of their needs but giving them virtually no responsibility.
practically in every essential respect; virtually. [1/3 definitions]
verbalism a virtually meaningless word or expression. [1/3 definitions]