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acidification the process of becoming, or causing to become, acid.
adoption the act or fact of becoming the legal parent of another person's child, or the act or condition of being thus adopted as another's child. [1/2 definitions]
aggravation the act or process of becoming worse; worsening. [1/4 definitions]
apprenticeship the process of working for another to learn that person's skill or trade, or the act of becoming engaged in this way.
autism a developmental disorder usually becoming detectable in very early childhood that is characterized especially by atypical acquisition or use of language as well as atypical patterns of social interaction.
balding losing one's hair; becoming bald.
blanch of plants, to prevent from becoming green by cutting off light. [1/5 definitions]
blastema an undifferentiated or primitive mass of cells, as in an embryo or regenerating organ, that is capable of becoming organized into a specific tissue or organ.
blush the act of becoming red in the face, esp. from shame or embarrassment. [1/7 definitions]
calcification the process of becoming calcified. [1/3 definitions]
changing becoming different; shifting; varying.
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 an act signed into law in 1882 that barred Chinese laborers from immigrating to the U.S. for a period of ten years and, in addition, prohibited all Chinese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens. Immigrants from China were not permitted naturalized citizenship until 1943.
civilization the process of civilizing or becoming civilized. [1/6 definitions]
coal to becoming a glowing coal or coals. [1/3 definitions]
comely suitable; becoming. [1/2 definitions]
crepuscular of animals, becoming active at twilight. [1/2 definitions]
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition. [1/2 definitions]
diminishing becoming smaller; lessening or decreasing.
dissimilation the act or process of becoming unlike or making dissimilar.
dissolution the process of becoming liquid; liquefaction. [1/5 definitions]
dream to imagine something with a desire for its becoming reality (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/13 definitions]