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acrogen a plant that produces no flower and grows only from the tip of the stem, such as a fern or moss.
carrageen a purplish-brown seaweed found along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America; Irish moss.
earth tone any of the muted colors found in nature, such as beige, gray, or moss green.
liverwort any of numerous moss-related, flowerless plants that grow in wet places or on tree trunks.
moss any of various plants that are similar in appearance or growth habits, such as Spanish moss. [1/3 definitions]
moss-grown covered with moss. [1/2 definitions]
mossy having abundant moss. [2 definitions]
muskeg a swamp or bog in which there are many layers of decaying matter, often covered with sphagnum moss.
rhizoid a rootlike filament that connects a plant, such as a fern or moss, to the substratum where it derives nourishment. [1/2 definitions]
theca in biology, a case, covering, or sac that encloses an organ, part, or entire organism, such as the horny covering of an insect pupa or the spore case of a moss capsule.