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day nursery a nursery school in which preschool children, usu. of working parents, receive care and supervision during the day.
fisher spider any of a family of nursery-web spiders that have the ability to skate across and dive beneath the surface of water, also called a dock spider.
Humpty Dumpty (sometimes l.c.) an English nursery rhyme character shaped like a large egg, who fell off a wall, broke into pieces, and could not be reassembled.
Mother Goose the imaginary author of a collection of eighteenth-century English nursery rhymes.
Mother Hubbard a character in an eighteenth-century English nursery rhyme. [1/2 definitions]
nursery a day-care facility, or a nursery school. [1/3 definitions]
patty-cake the first words of a common nursery rhyme. [1/2 definitions]
preschool a school for children below the age for kindergarten; nursery school. [1/2 definitions]