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abortive producing or intended to produce an abortion. [1/3 definitions]
accompaniment part of a musical composition that is intended to support more central parts. [1/2 definitions]
acoustic intended to modify or improve sound quality, as a building material. [1/3 definitions]
acupressure a process or technique intended to relieve pain or cure disease by the application of pressure with the hands to specific parts of the body. [1/2 definitions]
addendum an addition or intended addition, esp. a supplement to a book or other document.
airmail of, pertaining to, or intended for use with mail sent by air. [1/5 definitions]
allopathy treatment of disease with agents intended to produce effects that are different from those of the disease. (Cf. homeopathy.)
antipoverty intended to diminish or end poverty.
aptitude test a test intended to measure the probable ability of an untrained person to perform well in a particular job or course of study.
area rug a rug intended to cover only a specific section of a floor.
arrival one that has reached an intended place or goal. [1/2 definitions]
attack an act intended to cause harm or distress; offensive action. [1/9 definitions]
ballet a theatrical performance of such dance, accompanied by music and intended for entertainment. [1/4 definitions]
be used with the present participle or infinitive of another verb to indicate intended or required action. [1/10 definitions]
benevolent intended to benefit others rather than to make a profit; altruistic. [1/3 definitions]
bias an irregularity or distortion, as in a ball, causing deviation from the intended path. [1/8 definitions]
blandishment (often pl.) flattering or coaxing remarks or stratagems intended to persuade. [1/2 definitions]
bullheaded perversely unwilling to change one's opinion or intended action; stubborn.
buy something bought or intended for buying. [1/7 definitions]
buzzword a fashionable, short-lived word or phrase that originates either in media use or in a specialized group, and that is intended to impress or exclude the hearer, because of its apparent profundity or significance.
captious intended or designed to deceive or confuse. [1/2 definitions]