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amitosis direct cell division in which the nucleus divides without the formation of chromosomes. (Cf. mitosis.)
blastomere any of the first cells produced when a fertilized ovum divides.
cellophane a thin, transparent cellulose wrapping. [1/2 definitions]
cell wall the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell, which is made of cellulose.
cork in botany, an outer layer of water-resistant cells produced by the phellogen in woody plants; phellem. [1/6 definitions]
crystalloid a minute, crystallike grain of protein found in certain plant cells. [1/3 definitions]
endothelial of or pertaining to a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities.
endothelium a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities.
epithelium a protective, membranous layer of tissue, usu. a single layer of close-knit cells, that lines the cavities and the outside of an organism.
HIV abbreviation of "human immunodeficiency virus," the retrovirus that causes the disease AIDS by infecting and destroying T cells in the immune system.
human immunodeficiency virus the retrovirus that causes the disease AIDS by infecting and destroying T cells in the immune system; HIV.
leptin a protein hormone made by fat cells that inhibits hunger.
Mendel's laws the basic principles of heredity discovered by Mendel, showing that certain characteristics are inherited separately as units, that cells contain pairs of such unit characters, and that in every individual there is a pair, one from each parent, of determining factors for each unit character.
metastasis the transfer of disease or malignant cells from one part of the body to another through the blood, lymph, or membranes, or the resulting condition, as in tuberculosis or cancerous tumors. [1/2 definitions]
plastid any of several small protoplasmic structures found in the cytoplasm of some plant cells, in which substances such as starch, protein, and pigment are stored.
Scotch tape trademark for a transparent or semitransparent cellulose adhesive tape.
sporangium a plant cell or organ such as a sac or branch that produces spores; spore case.
thymosin any of several hormones secreted by the thymus that stimulate the immune system by promoting the development of T cells.