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4WD abbreviation of "four-wheel drive," a car that drives by means of all four wheels rather than the rear wheels only, or the drive system of such, in which both front and rear wheel axles are turned by the drive shaft.
AAA abbreviation of "American Automobile Association," an association that provides travel-related discounts and services to its members.
A and M abbreviation of "Agricultural and Mechanical."
aardvark a nocturnal mammal of southern Africa that has a long snout, long ears, and powerful claws for digging, and that feeds on ants using its extensile tongue.
Aaron according to the Old Testament, the older brother of Moses and the first high priest of the Hebrew nation.
abatis an obstacle constructed by bending and sharpening the branches of trees or implanting sharpened limbs in a soil barricade, sometimes interlaced with barbed wire.
abattoir a place where animals are killed and cut up for food; slaughterhouse.
ABC soil a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A, or top layer, being humus and organic matter, the B layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
abdomen in vertebrates, the part of the body between the chest and the pelvis, where most of the digestive organs are located. [2 definitions]
Abel according to the Old Testament, the second son of Adam and Eve, who was murdered by his brother Cain.
Aberdeen Angus any of various hornless beef cattle originating in Scotland and having a smooth black coat.
Abe Saperstein U.S. creator, owner, and promoter of the renowned basketball team the Harlem Globetrotters; born in London, England (b.1902--d.1966).
ablaut a pattern of changes in sounds, usually vowels, that indicate variations in tense, number, person, or the like, as in "sink," "sank," and "sunk".
ablaze fiery in color and brilliance. [1/2 definitions]
ABM abbreviation of "antiballistic missile," a missile designed to meet and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
abnormal psychology the branch of psychology that is concerned with patterns of behavior, thought, and feeling that deviate greatly from average patterns.
abode2 a past tense and past participle of abide.
about in various directions, or in no particular direction; here and there. [1/12 definitions]
about face a military command to turn and face the opposite direction.
Abraham according to the Old Testament, the first of the postdiluvian patriarchs, father of Isaac, and ancestor of the Hebrews.
Abraham Lincoln the 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), who was Commander-in-Chief of the Union troops during the American Civil War and who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, thus bringing an end to slavery in the United States (b.1809--d.1865).