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aneroid barometer a barometer that uses a thin metal disk covering a partial vacuum, such that a change in atmospheric pressure results in a corresponding change in the shape of the disk and moves the indicator needle.
blip a bright spot on a radar screen, used as an indicator. [1/5 definitions]
blood pressure the pressure of the blood against the inner wall of blood vessels, esp. the arteries or the heart, as exerted by the contractions of the heart muscles, often measured as an indicator of physical health.
deflection in physics, the movement away from zero of the indicator of a measuring instrument. [1/3 definitions]
fluor any compound that fluoresces when exposed to radiation, often added to experimental samples as a radiation indicator. [1/2 definitions]
guideline (often pl.) an indicator of a procedure or course to be followed.
litmus a powder derived from lichens that turns blue in alkaline solutions and red in acid solutions, used as an indicator.
litmus paper a small strip of white paper treated with litmus, used in chemistry as an indicator of acidity and alkalinity.
litmus test any test in which a single indicator determines the finding or decision. [1/2 definitions]
needle a long slender pointer or indicator on a clock, meter, or dial. [1/7 definitions]
omen an occurrence that is believed to be a supernatural indicator of future good or evil. [2/3 definitions]
phenolphthalein a white or pale yellow crystalline powder that is used in making dyes and as an acid-base indicator and a laxative.
sign anything that indicates the presence or existence of a fact, event, quality, or tendency; indicator; indication. [1/11 definitions]
sounding board a person or group whose reactions to an idea or opinion are a reliable indicator of its general acceptability. [1/3 definitions]