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acacia any of several tropical trees of the mimosa family, some of which produce the commercially useful gum arabic. [1/2 definitions]
ammoniac a sharp-smelling gum resin from the stem of an Asian plant, used in perfumes and porcelain cements; gum ammoniac. [1/2 definitions]
asafetida a gum resin obtained from Oriental plants related to the carrot, with a strong, offensive odor and a bitter taste, formerly used as a medicine.
balata a rubberlike gum that is made from the sap of this tree and is used in making golf balls, machine belts, and other industrial rubber items. [1/2 definitions]
bubble gum chewing gum that can be blown into large bubbles.
cashew a tropical American evergreen tree whose bark is used to produce a medicinal gum. [1/2 definitions]
chicle a gummy substance derived from a tropical American tree and used to make chewing gum.
cut to grow (a new tooth) through the gum. [1/25 definitions]
frankincense a sweet-smelling gum resin obtained from various Asian and African trees and used mainly in incense.
galbanum a bad-smelling gum resin, obtained from various Asian plants of the umbel family.
gamboge a brownish gum resin obtained from certain trees of southern Asia, yielding a yellow pigment that is also used as a cathartic. [1/2 definitions]
gouache a technique of painting by using a mixture of opaque watercolors and a gum preparation. [1/3 definitions]
gum1 used as a short form of "chewing gum," a soft and sticky product used for prolonged chewing, usu. made of chicle that has been sweetened and flavored. [5/10 definitions]
gumboil a small boil or abscess on the gum, that is associated with tooth decay.
gumdrop a small chewy candy made of flavored gum arabic or gelatin and usu. coated with granulated sugar.
gummy of or resembling gum in texture or consistency. [2 definitions]
gum resin a mixture of gum and resin that exudes from certain trees and plants.
gum tree any tree that exudes gum, such as the eucalyptus, tupelo, or sapodilla.
gumwood the wood of a gum tree, esp. the eucalyptus or sweet gum.
incense1 any gum, wood, or other aromatic substance that produces a pleasant odor when burned. [1/4 definitions]
liquidambar any of various Asian or North American trees of the witch hazel family, such as the sweet gum, having star-shaped leaves and bearing spiny fruit. [1/2 definitions]